Timber Transfer Cover: Vol. 21, No. 4 (Spring 2005)

Timber Transfer Magazine

Volume 21, Number 4
Spring 2005


• From the Editor's Desk: Revisionist History by Kevin Strong,  Pg. 3

• Headlights & Markers: EBT and the Gilded Age by Henry F. Inman,  Pg. 4

• My Daddy was a Railroad Man: An interview with Ruth (Hughes) Black by Adam Watson,  Pg. 6

• Passenger Car Shuffle: A new perspective on the EBT's early passenger cars by Kevin Strong,  Pg. 9

• Handle with Care: Instructions for loading freight onto EBT rolling stock by Robert R. Harris,  Pg. 12

• Kit Review:- St. Charles Model Works HOn3 Caboose #2 - the "Panic" by Craig A. Williams,  Pg. 18

• A Large Scale "Panic": Scratchbuilding an early caboose in 1:20.3 by Kevin Strong,  Pg. 21

• Book Review: "The Blue Ridge Stemwinder" by Henry F. Inman,  Pg. 22

• From the Archives: Improvements in the EBT's early days. by Vagel C. Keller,  Pg. 26