Timber Transfer Cover: Vol. 27, No. 02 (Summer 2015)

Timber Transfer Magazine

Volume 27, Number 02
Summer 2015


• From the Editor's Desk by Jane Clarke,  Pg. 3

• Pursuing "The Dream": Restoration of the EBT Boilerhouse, Coalbin, Machine Shop, and Foundry, Part I by Dick Ullery & James Bacon,  Pg. 4

• Smokeless! Coal Cleaning Along the East Broad Top: Part V. Boney Loader, Conveyors, and Coal Unloading Shelter by Ronald L. Pearson,  Pg. 9

• Fate of Second Number 4 Discovered by Richard Wickett & R. Lee Rainey,  Pg. 16

• New Book Profiles Handsome Narrow Gauge Mogul by R. Lee Rainey,  Pg. 18

• Modeling EBT M-4 by Peter Clarke,  Pg. 19

• From the Memberhip Department by Peter Clarke,  Pg. 23